The Aktiia Bracelet is designed for personal use (single user) only. During the pairing procedure, the devices are linked to your account. In case you wish to reset the pairing and allow another person to use the device

The Aktiia Bracelet is designed for personal use (single user) only. During the pairing procedure, the devices are linked to your account. In case you wish to reset the pairing and allow another person to use the device, you must unpair the device first from your Aktiia App user account.

To complete the unpairing procedure ,

  • Go to “Devices” 
  • Click on the little arrow on the right of the Bracelet / Cuff  “>
  • Click the button “Unpair device

Note : Unpairing is needed if the Aktiia Bracelet needs to be linked with a new user account. 

Note : Unpairing is not needed if a new mobile device is used to download Aktiia data with the same user account.

See the FAQ related to this topic here:  How do I transfer my bracelet to a different user?